The trait that makes women great leaders"...in a world that favors leadership based on skills of personal interaction rather than on authority, women have a head start."

The trait that makes women great leaders

"...in a world that favors leadership based on skills of personal interaction rather than on authority, women have a head start."

"Promoting gender equality at the workplace is not only the right thing to do, but also the smart thing to do. A growing body of evidence shows that utilizing the skills and talent of both men and women is bene cial for enterprises and for society i…

"Promoting gender equality at the workplace is not only the right thing to do, but also the smart thing to do. A growing body of evidence shows that utilizing the skills and talent of both men and women is bene cial for enterprises and for society in general.

Women in politics in the Caribbean

"Throughout the Caribbean women are actively involved in politics from the organisation level to serving in parliament, with several presiding officers being women."

Four benefits to mentoring youth in STEM"As mentoring helps improve girls' self-confidence, it becomes a critical factor in increasing their enrollment in STEM."

Four benefits to mentoring youth in STEM

"As mentoring helps improve girls' self-confidence, it becomes a critical factor in increasing their enrollment in STEM."