International Women’s Day 2021
“The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation.”—James E. Faust
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Zoom Link for Helpline for the 9th March active from 05.30 PM EST.
Topic: Aspire Artemis IWD Event Helpline for 9th March 2021
Time: Mar 9, 2021 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Passcode: iwd2021
This International Women’s Day, in collaboration with our partners, the Aspire Artemis Foundation will provide a platform for diverse voices, especially those marginalized and underrepresented, to tell their authentic stories of their true and lived experience; stories of triumph and struggle; stories that prove that in the end, we are all human beings connected by a thin line of shared and lived experiences.
*This live event contains musical and dance performances. Registration for this event is REQUIRED and will be through Eventbrite
SPEAKERS: Reminder: There will be a speaker run throughs on March 1st 2021, March 6th and March 7th.. You should have registered for one of the three slots e-mailed to you by the registration team.
March 1st 11am-1pm EST
March 1st 1:30pm-3:30pm EST
March 1st 5pm – 7pm EST
Saturday March 6, 12:30PM - 2:00PM EST (New York)
Sunday March 7, 12:30 - 2:00PM EST (New York)
Remember to contact us if this date and time does not suit you. A member of our team will be in touch with you to share logistical details and schedule a run through.
Watch this video to get acquainted and comfortable with the event platform before your run - through. Speaker Tutorial
ATTENDEES: To get acquainted and comfortable with the platform beforehand, please watch the following training video: Attendee Tutorial
The Event
With the current push for intersectionality, inclusion, and racial equity globally, this event seeks to allow underrepresented groups to claim the power of shaping their own narratives through inclusive and innovative technology platforms. The power of stories to humanize and bridge cultures as well as connect people from diverse backgrounds cannot be denied. Technology allows us the unique privilege of traveling to diverse lands from the comfort of our own homes. In the same vein, stories transport us into other worlds we may have not imagined entering. This event endeavours to ensure the celebration of multiculturalism as a means towards bridging as opposed to creating divides.
It merges the act of creation and play with the drive towards increasing digital literacy, connection, and a greater diversity in STEM fields.
In this two session training, advocacy, and capacity development workshop series, you will not only share in the policies and lessons learnt from organizations across the globe in session one, but in session two, you will take part in interactive sessions which provide actionable methods for how we can use the arts, storytelling, and technology to unlock the potential of underrepresented and disadvantaged groups.
Day 1
Art & Culture
Undoubtedly, science and technology have an impact on ordinary lives beyond the highly publicized breakthroughs. Technology has stimulated developments that have rapidly altered both rural and urban employment landscapes and economic sectors, including water resource management, sanitation, and agriculture, through enhancements to knowledge working, data analytics, and artificial intelligence. There is no denying that technology has a ubiquitous presence. Studies have demonstrated that the interdisciplinary model of a STEAM approach fosters innovative thinking, leaving students better prepared to understand and apply science and technology concepts. STEAM has been described as an integrated model that compels students to actively think about and tackle real world problems through finding creative solutions.
Day 1: March 8, 2021 (1:00 PM – 5:00 PM EST)
Arts & Culture Session OPENING CEREMONY:
Introduction to the documentary screening by the Master of Ceremony, Ms. Negilla “Keena” Cenac, CEO / Founder & On air personality at KNC Radio and Director of Outreach at Aspire Artemis Foundation
Special Documentary Screening of Madaraka documentary and discussion with the film director, Wael “L” Abou Zaki on the power of Women in the African Diaspora who have instigated global change. He will discuss how stories can indeed change mindsets and lives. (30 Minutes)
“Madaraka is a story about a mother and a son from the slums of Kisumu, Kenya and their work to educate and liberate their communities through creative collaboration, self-empowerment, entrepreneurship and sustainability.
With power comes great responsibility and the African people, from the youth to the elders are strong people with an entrepreneurial spirit which is not highlighted enough in the mainstream media. The saying, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” is the perfect anecdote. Madaraka characters range from community leaders, musicians, artists, politicians, activists and more.” (Source: With the passing of Simon Okelo’s mother in 2020, this film has taken on a new meaning, highlighting the power, strength, and resilience of a woman, her story, and the potential to leave a lasting footprint that echoes globally. Her work lives on through her son Simon, who continues to inspire and empower youth in slums all across Africa through arts, culture, and music.
Youth Videos:
2 minute solution oriented youth video by Kayesu Machayo, President of Girls Who Code College Loops, STEM Day of Action Moderator, Girl Up, Computer Science major at George Washington University. The pre- recorded video demonstrates her passion for STEM, arts and culture as well as her vision of what companies could do to promote a sense of belonging for women and girls of color.
2 minute video from Ms. Dahlia A. Ducreay, Youth Envoy: China Silk Road Youth Forum highlighting People of African Descent in China.
Policy Session Opening Premise: Advocacy and Policy (3hrs) Rigorous discussion, sharing lessons and actions on advocacy, digital literacy, and policy on remote learning and engagement of the diaspora.
1:30 – 1:40: Introduction
Welcome Remarks from the Master of Ceremony, Ms. Negilla “Keena” Cenac, CEO / Founder & On air personality at KNC Radio and Director of Outreach at Aspire Artemis Foundation
Introduction to the event by Ms. Hermina Johnny, Founder of Aspire Artemis Foundation
1:40 – 2:30: Advocacy, digital literacy, and training of citizens in utilizing digital technologies.
Short presentations from Key UN member states on inclusion of underrepresented groups globally (including indigenous communities), remote learning and innovative use of technology during COVID-19 that specifically aims to address issues of accessibility of devices (Success stories/case studies that can be applied to nations to advance their digital literacy, tech usage, and storytelling capabilities through engagement of diaspora)
Theme: Overcoming Gender Obstacles in STEM
This discussion will centre on the cultural and structural obstacles women face (especially women of colour) in moving through the channels needed to reach employment in STEM fields and the disadvantages that they face when they do get there. It will touch on the role that advocacy, digital literacy, training and upskilling will play in reshaping the trajectory of women and girls from disadvantaged backgrounds, and getting them into productive ventures. How do we ensure an enabling environment so that we retain women in STEM? Speakers will also discuss how young people would be able to transition into STEAM careers through specific internships and the support system that exists if they want to pursue STEAM.
Remarks from Countries and States on efforts towards overcoming gender obstacles in the STEM field and the potential benefits of an interdiscliplinary STEAM model. (2-3 min per individual )
His Highness, Prince Ermias Sahle Selassie of Ethiopia
His Excellency, Honourable Dr. Natalio D. Wheatley, Deputy Premier of the Virgin Islands and Minister for Education Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture
Permanent Observer of the African Union to the United Nations, Ambassador Fatima Kyari Mohammed (TBC) – “Replacing Weapons with Words” Storytelling: The importance of technology transfer and access to equalizing technology
H.E. Kim Simplis Barrow, Philanthropist, Former First Lady of Belize
Ms. Aissata M.B. Camara, Deputy Commissioner for Operations and Strategic Partnerships, NYC Mayor’s Office for International Affairs
Remarks from United Nations system organizations on activities and initiatives that support the decade of action for the attainment of the SDGs and their work on diversity, inclusion and intersectionality in the tech field. (3 minutes per organization)
Ms. Hanna Kristjansdottir, Senior Adviser on Women’s Leadership UNWOMEN, Chair of the Executive Board of Women Political Leaders; Former Icelandic Minister of the Interior and former Mayor of Reykjavik.
Ms. Olajobi Makinwa, Chief, Intergovernmental Relations and Africa, Global Compact
Ms. Vibeke Jensen, Director of the Division for Peace and Sustainable Development, UNESCO
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
2:30 – 2:35: Break
2:35 – 3:10: Presentation and case studies
3-5 mins: Presentation / Power talk - Ms. Liz Agbor-Tabi Vice President of Global Policy - Global Citizen - insight into initiatives and interventions towards poverty alleviation and increasing advocacy/communication through storytelling
3-5 mins: Power talk - Ms. Rachel Alwala – Coordination Officer, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU - Unlocking the potential of underrepresented groups with technology, tech access, and science.
3-5 mins: Creativity Visual - Ms. Anusha Dandapani, Chief Data and Analytics International Computing Centre NYC, - Using Data science to tell compelling stories to tackle SDG issues. Discussion on solution oriented food waste initiative.
3-5 mins: Power talk - Ms. Lani Cossette, Senior Director and Chief of Staff, UN Affairs - Microsoft, discussing equalizing technology and inclusive multilateralism. The cross-section of technology and humanity through storytelling, connection and collaboration.
3-5 mins: Power talk: Ms. Kim Blue Terrell, VP People Experience, Global Head of People Experience (HR Business Partners), Zoom . Discussing how zoom has served as an equalizing platform and played a role in connecting people in all sectors of society during a national emergency. Some key sectors for discussion (Government, Education, Healthcare and Finance)
3:10 – 3:15: Break
3:15 – 3:45: Inclusion and Access in the STEM field through integration of Arts and Culture; STEAM and Access to equalizing technologies.
Topic Frame: During this section on “access” our panel members will be asked to consider the effectiveness of current efforts, and examine the social paradigms that can inhibit, or encourage, equality and access. Beyond any structural or social impediments to improving gender equality in STEM, challenges may also remain when it comes to ensuring the quality and availability of training and skills development opportunities. Panel members will consider the challenges associated with technology skills transfers, either through integration into formal education channels or via informal extracurricular activities.
Moderator: Ms. Indira Tsengiwe (South Africa), Co-Founder BlueAvo
Dr. Camille Wardrop Alleyne, NASA, Founder of Brightest Stars Foundation
Ms. Anie Apke, Founder African Women in Tech
Dr. Stephon Solomon Alexander, Theoretical Physicist and Professor of Physics at Brown University, Cosmologist, Musician, Author of Jazz of Physics
Mr. Gerald A. Moore, Founder, Mission Fulfilled 2030
3: 45 - 3:55: Special immersive and explorative experiential storytelling exercise by Dr. Claire A. Nelson, Whitehouse Champion for Change, Forbes 50 Female Futurist, Sustainability Engineer, Storyteller, Founder of Institute of Caribbean Studies.
3:55 - 4:00: Break 4:00 – 4:40: Panel session, Arts and creativity in STEM – the importance of marrying storytelling with STEM.
Topic Frame: Throughout history, storytelling has been used as a medium to pass down messages of importance in a culture. A culture’s history is in essence shaped by the stories that are told, whether by ancestors, through literature or by media outlets. Panelists will be asked to explore ways in which the use of equalizing technologies can serve as a medium to showcase stories from smaller communities; stories that are not normally dispersed in global media outlets.
Moderator: Dr Nevada Winrow, Neuroscientist and Pediatric Neuropsychologist, Founder of Black Girls Dive Foundation
Ms. Amy Wang – Creative Director & Managing Partner, Openbox
Ms. Elizabeth Leiba, Founder, Black History & Culture Academy, Social Justice Professional
Dr. Genevieve Patterson, Co -Founder of Trashapp (acquired by VSCO)
4:40 - 4:45: Special address: Ms. Susan Naumlindwa - Executive Director at Africa Trade Desk, VP Canada –Africa Chamber of Business, Founder CEO Maama Watali, SheEO Activator, Global Ambassador Ocean EXP
4:45 – 5:00
Digital Skills and Literacy, Lifelong learning and STEAM Calls to action :
Ms. Harsha Bennur, Director Partner Technology, Microsoft will discuss the digital literacy, ups killing and lifelong learning initiative between Aspire Artemis and Microsoft as well as the STEAM and digital transformation Global Innovation Symposia that Microsoft collaborated with the Aspire Artemis Foundation on.
Mr. Boddhi Satva, Pioneering African artist, founder of Offering Recordings & Father of Ancestral Soul about his connection to the International Decade for People of African Descent and his hope for the future of a truly inclusive entertainment industry which allows space for diverse voices to thrive.
Closing remarks, calls to action and closing performances
Ms. Hermina Johnny, Founder of Aspire Artemis Foundation
Ms. Tiphanie Doucet, (Pre-recorded) French Artist, Musician, Actor
STREAMING ON BOTH HOPIN AND YOUTUBE LIVE: This event will be followed by a virtual after party hosted by Mr. Boddhi Satva hailing from the Central African Republic, currently based in Portugal.
Day 2
Day 2: March 9, 2021 (6:00 PM – 8:30 PM EST)
Premise: Application of Equalizing Technology to Create Impact and Change via Storytelling (2.5hrs) Interactive breakout sessions and training on storytelling and community engagement. This session will involve informational panels, breakout sessions with storytelling experts, and international performances.
6:00– 6:10: Opening Session
Introductory remarks from the master of ceremonies, Ms. Negilla Cenac, CEO / Founder & On air personality at KNC Radio and Director of Outreach at Aspire Artemis Foundation
Introduction to the event by Ambassador Rosalyn Hazelle, Senior Advisor, Director of Regional Coordination at the Aspire Artemis Foundation.
6:10 – 6:30: A short panel on The Power and Impact of Storytelling.
Topic Frame: Storytelling has been a tradition throughout all of human history. Before the mediums we have today, storytelling was an oral tradition passed down from generation to generation. The art of storytelling has since taken many different forms: dance, music, written word, film, and many more. Many of these kinds of storytelling transcend the boundaries of age, culture, gender, identity, sexuality, religion, and language. As humankind has developed, each new advance brings with it a new way of telling stories. Regardless of the medium, however, the connections these stories foster have stayed true. There is an innate need in the human condition for connection, to know that we are not alone. Storytelling is an age-old tool to prove to one another that, regardless of the specifics of our experiences, nobody is going it alone. In this panel storytellers from a wide range of industries talk about how they make an impact through the power of storytelling.
Moderator: Ms. Piera Van de Wiel Singer, Songwriter, Founder of Stronger with Music
Ms. Maggie Mutesi, Senior Business Correspondent at BBC, Founder of MANSA magazine.
Mr. Simon (Javan) Okelo - Founder & Executive Director, One Vibe Africa
Ms. Uju Uzo – Ojinnaka CEO, Traders of Africa
Ms. Kaori Fujii, International Flutist, Founder and CEO, Music Beyond, Inc.
6:30 – 6:35: A pre-recorded inspirational DANCE performance
5-8 participating locations/groups to dance in their chosen style to song Jerusalema. Each group has recorded their dance in a location in their city that means something to them. Each video will be stitched together into a final video. The video will be played during the event and geolocated in the location each dance piece was recorded via the Story City app.
6:35 – 6:55: Breakout Sessions Commence
Interactive breakout sessions where different room leaders take participants through a short 20min workshop and/or exercise to tell their story. The breakout sessions for the event are concurrent sessions that participants can choose between, each breakout session is a mini 20min workshop run by an individual (or team) where participants take away an exercise or tool kit at the end that allows them to create a grassroots project in their community based on the workshop given by the breakout room leader.
Tell your story” is envisioned to allow the breakout session leader to essentially lead the audience through a journey (by way of example) of how they (session leader), in their specific field, utilize equalizing technology to tell a story. This is envisioned to be a method to assist participants to be able to tell their own stories via diverse mediums and industries, as well as give actionable methods to delve into their own storytelling journeys and grassroots movements. The session leader utilizes this method as an example of how the audience could find their inner passions and turn them into productive and positive ventures. That story would allow the audience to envision how they could more accurately tell their stories about their passions and use a technology based medium to do so.
- Tell Your Story: Breakout Session 1 Leaders
Mr. David Totten, Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft US One Commercial Partner
SESSION TITLE: The transformative power of relationships and stories to motivate people to reach their true potential every single day
SESSION DESCRIPTION: David is best known for motivating others and gaining consensus through consistent, energetic, and goal-oriented relationships. He has years of experience building strategic sales programs, plans, and teams to delight customers and partners, and deliver shareholder value. Grounded in always driving clarity and measurable metrics for success, David leverages a direct and transparent style to land accountability with every interaction he engages in. His career objective has always been focused on developing and building talented people to exceed their own and others' expectations.
Ms. Maggie Mutesi, Senior Business Correspondent at BBC, Founder of MANSA magazine.
SESSION TITLE: The Power and importance of positive storytelling; Reshaping the narrative of the African continent
SESSION DESCRIPTION: This session will touch on the personal journey of an International Business Correspondent who saw a world in which positive stories and voices from smaller countries from her continent were not amplified in mass media outlets. This instigated her desire to take action and change the narrative through highlighting unheard voices and stories from within the African continent of power and possibility. MANSA represents royalty, and her mission is to show the powerful side of Africa through the authentic stories of its people. Her desire is to change the narrative often misunderstood about Africa. You will learn how to find your own authentic voice through self discovery and utilize that to amplify those of others.
Dr. Stephon Solomon Alexander, Theoretical Physicist and Professor of Physics at Brown University, Cosmologist, Musician, Author of Jazz of Physics
SESSION TITLE: The Physics of the blues
Ms. Camille May, Communications Manager, Global Citizen
SESSION TITLE: Pop, Policy and Impact Storytelling
SESSION DESCRIPTION: This session will discuss how a personal connection to the stories of poverty stricken countries led to a global movement of changemakers demanding action and change from policy makers through the use of media, arts, outreach and advocacy.
Ms. Anjani Harjeven, Chief Operating Officer WomHub/WomEng (South Africa)
SESSION TITLE: Creating space for women to thrive - WomHub’s journey enabling African female entrepreneurs to drive innovation and societal change.
SESSION DESCRIPTION: Building and developing female entrepreneurs is at the heart of transforming Africa. WomHub’s passion for developing women in STEM businesses has been delivered through customised programs and spaces created specifically for female founders.
In this breakout session, we weave together insights into and learnings from the purposeful program approach, the creation of the first African co-working space for women by women and the synergies between virtual and physical spaces for founders to grow their presence. Alongside this, we will share the experiences of African female entrepreneurs to provide a voice to the imperative of developing these incredible women.
Ms. Grace E. Andrews, Technical Storyteller, Content Producer, Coach
SESSION TITLE: Finding Your Authentic Voice
SESSION DESCRIPTION: In this breakout session, we discuss how finding your voice helps you tell your story, in both personal and professional settings. We will establish different ways to connect with our inner-selves and how to safely and confidently share that with others.
Mr. C. Brandon Ogbunu, Assistant Professor, Yale University. - Merging science, technology, biomedicine, data, innovation, culture and creativity.
SESSION TITLE: Exploring the stories of science and self.
SESSION DESCRIPTION: In this session, we will discuss the role of story in amplifying the messages of science and discovery.
Mr. Martin Pratt, Marketing Strategist, Tech Investor,
SESSION TITLE: The importance of partnership for Digital Transformation, Digital Currencies and Supporting Black Founders.
SESSION DESCRIPTION: This session will cover how connecting to your authentic story can better prepare you to inject the necessary support into communities of need. It will touch on the role of partnership and the need to support disadvantaged communities through resource allocation, allyship and skill building.
Mr. Wesley Hamilton, Executive Director, Disabled But Not Really, Philanthropist, Speaker, Diversity and Inclusion Specialist
SESSION TITLE: Finding your passion
SESSION DESCRIPTION: This session will focus on the importance of a feeling of belonging as well as creating an enabling environment for disabled people to thrive. It will touch on allyship and how we can be allies to people who are different from us.
Mr. Ahmed Nimale - Mr. Ahmed Nimale - Product Manager - Ticketmaster Universe (Live Nation)
SESSION TITLE: The changing nature of live events during a time of national emergency; Artificial Intelligence and the Livestream Industry
SESSION DESCRIPTION: This session will discuss the changing nature of live events from brick and mortar environments to virtual as well as the creative ways that you can utilize your story to connect directly to end users.
Ms. X. Eyee, Research at Google, AI enthusiast, Military Veteran.
SESSION TITLE: The Future of Work in the age of AI: Ensuring that AI is not racist
SESSION DESCRIPTION: In this session X will discuss the many ways that Artificial Intelligence can use outdated datasets to draw conclusions on vulnerable communities that can further disadvantage them. She will also tell her story of her non traditional journey into the tech world, artificial intelligence, blockchain, quantum, psychology, neuroscience and augmented reality.
Mr. Glenn Lundy, Forbes Featured motivational speaker, Founder and CEO of the 800% Club
SESSION TITLE: The morning routine: 5 essential steps necessary for success.
SESSION DESCRIPTION: This session will discuss ways in which you can design a structure to allow you to thrive and be successful. It will further discuss the ways in which you could start your day in order to guarantee productivity, and give you the tools for strong mental acumen, focus and success.
6:55 – 7:05: Equity of Technology Videos:
A series of short videos on how different storytelling tools work from organizations that seek to solve the equity of technology problem
Story City
7:05 – 7:25: Introduction to Story City by Ms. Emily Craven, Founder of Story City GPS location based storytelling application followed by a Story City training session - Stories You Can Live: Interactive and location-based storytelling.
7:25 – 7:35: Power talk and inspirational video documentary by Mr. Hollis Meminger, Hollywood film cinematographer, Founder of Bridgebuilder Cinematic Arts
Title: Boston Youth "Covid-19" and its effects on marginalized communities.
In the city of Boston, the youth were tasked with creating a project that would speak to what the pandemic has done to them, but more importantly how it would affect them long term.
POWER TALK: The power of storytelling in our community to affect change and fight injustice while using our own narratives.
7:35 – 7:55: Breakout Session 2 - Invite Your Audience Into Your Stories:
The second breakout session methodology is premised on being a bit more interactive than the 1st. This is where the session leader would “invite your audience into your story”, through demonstration of technological tools. It is about helping participants to tell their story in an interactive way that invites people to participate in the story rather than passively consume it.
- Breakout Session 2 Leaders
Ms. Krista Vaisman, Director of Global Philanthropy, Global Citizen
SESSION TITLE: Impact Stories to Catalyze Philanthropy
SESSION DESCRIPTION: In this session, we will explore the importance of communicating impact to accelerate philanthropy
Mr. Jason Wallace, AVP, Strategy & Business Development, ASCAP
SESSION TITLE: Leading by example: Storytelling and change
SESSION DESCRIPTION: Interactive session about how music unites us and has served has brought communities together in very profound ways during this time of the COVID_19 pandemic. You will learn how to tell the story of who you are through highlighting the creativity within you. Audience members will be invited to directly participate in this exercise drawing on personal experiences.
Mr. James C. Rhee, Impact Investor, Educator, MIT Sloan Lecturer and CEO Action for Racial Equity Board Member
SESSION TITLE: The Transformative Power of Kindness in Business
SESSION DESCRIPTION: James Rhee has managed billions of dollars of capital, sits on the board of JP Morgan Chase Advancing Black Pathways and teaches at MIT Sloan School of Management and Duke Law School. But from 2000 to 2007, this Asian American man became a first-time CEO and partnered with Black women across the United State to transform Ashley Stewart from a fashion brand into a social movement and, by doing so, challenged the definition of capitalism. Hear a story about friendship, positive feedback loops, innovation and a toy red helicopter.
Ms. Amanda Johnstone, Technologist. TIME Next Gen Leader. CEO Magazine Exec of the Year
SESSION TITLE: STEAM and Mixed Reality - The Future of Technology using Emotion and AI
SESSION DESCRIPTION: In this session you will learn how this multi award winning Australian entrepreneur who lost many friends to suicide developed an application that is saving countless lives across the globe. She used a tragic experience as a form of empowerment and change, and will show you how you you could do the same; transform negative experiences into positive and lasting human to computer relationships through brain to computer interface, mobile, AI and IoT.
Ms. Amy Wang – Creative Director & Managing Partner, Openbox
SESSION TITLE: Card Sorts - Simple tools to provoke unexpected conversations
Mr. Brandon Andrews, Co- Founder and Chief Product Officer of Gauge, Global Innovation Fellow at US Department of State, Diversity and Inclusion for ABC's Shark Tank building inclusive ecosystems.
SESSION TITLE: The perfect pitch: AI- driven mobile market research as an aid to storytellers.
SESSION DESCRIPTION: In this session you will hear the story of Brandon Andrews and his commitment to bring resources to diverse entrepreneurs as well as to upskill and educate entrepreneurs and investors of color. You will receive tips and tricks on what it takes to create the perfect pitch and pitching it to shows like ABC’s shark tank.
Mr. Cavaughn J. Noel, Anthropologic Technologist, TED Alum, MBA, social entrepreneur
SESSION TITLE: How to create the perfect brand through your authentic story
SESSION DESCRIPTION: In this session you will learn how to frame your story into a personal identifiable brand that is marketable. You will take away lessons on standing out in a crowd of many, through individuality and creativity.
Ms Amy Wang, Openbox
SESSION TITLE: Reading the Story Between the Lines
Dr. Lola Adeyemi, COO and Co-Founder of Magna Carta Health, Founder of MentoringHer, Forbes Next1000 Honoree
SESSION TITLE : The ties that bind us - Mentoring girls and women through technology and machine learning
SESSION DESCRIPTION: Discussing the story behind "Mentoring Her;" the impetus and impact of using technology in mentorships as well as how Mentoring Her is helping to meet SDGs through community, communication and connections! In this breakout session, we will take a look at the Mentoring Her platform and how connections are made. We will also discuss its impact and promise for the future of AI, machine learning, and app development for mentorship!
Mr. Martel Metellus, Founder & CEO at Soko
SESSION TITLE: The journey to create a virtual discovery network for the Black community
SESSION DESCRIPTION: This session will go over the ways in which you could use equalizing technology platforms such as SOKO to connect, collaborate, and find new opportunities to thrive all while meeting and learning from high skilled black professionals.
Mr. Hollis Meminger, Hollywood Cinematographer, Founder of Bridgebuilder Cinematic Arts
SESSION TITLE: An insider’s story of struggle and success in the Hollywood Industry and becoming Director of Photography.
SESSION DESCRIPTION: Hear insider stories from a renowned cinematographer with numerous film and television credits such as The Blacklist (NBC), Narcos (Netflix) and Younger (TVLand). He will also discuss the projects he has worked on which feature and empower marginalized communities through Building Bridges of understanding through film and television. He will also touch on the role of allyship as a tool for advancement for women and disadvantaged communities.
Ms. Xian Horn, Disability activist, Social Entrepreneur and Forbes and Thrive contributor
SESSION TITLE: Allyship, Advocacy and collaborative innovation
SESSION DESCRIPTION: Utilizing Disability Advocate Xian’s work with AT&T, Microsoft, Parsons, and NYU as examples, we will explore the following questions: What is advocacy and Allyship really? Why is important for advocates and allies to team up? What can we do right now to create lasting change?
Ms. Future Cain, NYTimes Featured Equity Warrior, CEO and Founder of The Future of SEL
SESSION TITLE: Your Own Self-Awareness Impacts The Collective Social Responsibility
SESSION DESCRIPTION: Companies and institutions have a collective responsibility for the wellness of themselves and others. At the heart of all organizations and institutions is one thing, that is the people. The people provide the products or service and if the people are not well the business suffers. In this session we will be going on a journey to educate ourselves on how being self aware has an impact on our mind, body, relationships, businesses and other people's well-being. During our storytime we will celebrate the beautiful pieces of who we each are as well as the talents we bring to our professional and personal life to awaken the endless possibilities that allow for bridging all of humanity.
7:55 – 8:10: Closing Remarks & Performance
Final pre-recorded performance MUSIC virtual choir.
A virtual choir: vocalists and instrumentalists recorded video and audio in a location that means something to them in their cities. Contributions come from Belgium, Canada, Nigeria, Saint Kitts and Nevis and the United States. These videos were compiled into a virtual performance of Common/John Legend’s Glory. The video has been geolocated in the location each song/instrumental piece was recorded via the Story City app as part of a trail with the other two performances from this day.
*Main background instrumental provided by The Vesta Orchestra, Nigeria
Mr. Wael “L” Abou Zaki
Wael "L" Abou-Zaki is a multi-faceted creative content director, advertising and marketing strategist, film director, producer and multidisciplinary writer. With over 16 years of experience in the sports, film, radio and agency business, he has lead a variety of large and small creative teams to deliver internal and external product marketing, brand awareness, rebranding, social justice campaigns, full-scale productions, and more featuring celebrity athletes, actors and musicians for companies like Microsoft, iHeartMedia, NCR, Zillow, Toyota, Gatorade, Pepsi, Dropbox, Pokemon and more. Wael is the President and Head of Creative for Zaki Rose, a cross-culture full-service creative agency and media production company based in Seattle and Ft. Lauderdale, FL. His recent film, "Madaraka: The Documentary" is a story on the power of a Mother in the African Diaspora empowering her son and community instigating global change. Wael’s experience across film, agency, radio, concert and music platforms keeps him on-trend with influencers across a variety of industries and he is a valuable creative asset when working to make an innovative and meaningful impact.
His Highness, Prince Ermias Sahle Selassie of Ethiopia
His Highness Prince Ermias Sahle Selassis is the only son of Prince Sahle Selassie of Ethiopia and Princess Mahisente Habte Mariam . He is the grandson of Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, and furthermore of Dejazmach Habte Mariam Gebre-Igziabiher, the heir to the former Welega kingdom of Leqa Naqamte, and later served as governor of Welega province. Currently the prince is ninth in the line of succession to the vacant imperial throne.
Prince Ermias was educated in Ethiopia, Great Britain, and the United States. In England, he received his education at Old Ride Preparatory School, and then at Haileybury College. He obtained a BA degree in the social studies, with an emphasis in economics, from the University of California, in Santa Barbara. He continued his education at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy between 1983 and 1985.
Prince Ermias is fluent in Amharic, English and German
He currently serves as the President of the Crown Council of Ethiopia in exile. The Crown Council has pursued a mission devoted to the promoting a cultural and humanitarian role. Prince Ermias is also patron of the Haile Selassie Fund for Children in Need which continues to sponsor student scholarships, and the St. George of Lalibela Foundation.
Prince Ermias was named recipient of the ISSA Silver Star Award for Outstanding Contributions to Strategic Progress Through Humanitarian Achievement by the International Strategic Studies Association, for his work for Ethiopian refugees in Africa.
His Excellency, Honourable Dr. Natalio D. Wheatley, Deputy Premier of the Virgin Islands and Minister for Education Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture
His Excellency Honourable Dr. Natalio D. Wheatley is Deputy Premier of the British Virgin Islands and is also Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture. In this portfolio he hopes to reshape the trajectory of the British Virgin Islands into a regional leader in development; putting education, innovation and sustainable development at the center, and re-establishing the youth as the beacon of the nation's future success. He holds a PhD in Languages and Cultures of Africa from the University of London School of Oriental and African Studies. His focus is on strengthening the youth of the Virgin Islands as “it is the youth that brings laurels of the country.” He is inspired by his family, specifically his grandfather, Dr. Willard Wheatley who served as Chief Minister of the Virgin Islands from 1971 to 1979 and was the first Minister of Finance.
Permanent Observer of the African Union to the United Nations, Ambassador Fatima Kyari Mohammed – “Replacing Weapons with Words” Storytelling: The importance of technology transfer and access to equalizing technology
Her Excellency, Ambassador Fatima Kyari Mohammed is the Permanent Observer of the African Union to the United Nations. In her current position, Ms. Kyari Mohammed has worked on maintaining institutional relationships between the African Union and the UN and coordinating the African Group in addition to promoting African Union Decisions.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental design, a master’s degree in sustainable economic development, and a Master of Arts degree in peace, security, development and conflict transformation from the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Her career has focused on peace, security, socio-economic development, regional integration, organizational development and project management in the public and private sectors. Prior to her appointment to this position, she served as Senior Advisor the ECOWAS Commission and as the Executive Director at West Africa Conflict and Security Consulting. She has been nominated for the Outstanding Woman In Peace Building Award, by NCMG international. Her philanthropic dedications include the founding of the LikeMinds Project, a non-profit organization providing support to orphans and vulnerable children in northeast Nigeria.
H.E. Kim Simplis Barrow, Philanthropist, Former First Lady of Belize
Her Excellency, Kim Simplis Barrow is a Belizian activist and philanthropist who has worked extensively on charitable initiatives and is also the wife of the 4th Prime Minister of Belize, Rt. Hon. Dean Oliver Barrow, MP. Barrow is the founder of the Lifeline Foundation, a charitable organization and NGO dedicated to the welfare of children in Belize, primarily focusing on those living with HIV/AIDS and those in difficult familiar circumstances.
The Belizean champion for children, Barrow has undertaken projects with the Ministries of Health and Human Development and the National Committee for Families and Children, ans has co-authered two books on informing children and abolescents about sexual abuse and exploitation to prevent adbuse. In 2008, she became the first Belizean to be designated as a Global Ambassador by Special Olympics International.
H. E. Monica Geingos, First Lady of Namibia (TBC)
Her Excellency Monica Geingos (born Monica Kalondo in 1977) is a Namibian entrepreneur, lawyer and First Lady of Namibia since 2015. She has been a board member and director in companies such as the Party’s Think Tank and the National Council of the Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry. She had also chaired the Presidential Economic Advisory Council.
Geigos has been appointed as a UNAIDS Special Advocate for Young Women and Adolescent Girls and currently overseeing the institutionalisation of #BeFree key learnings into Project #BeFree – a one-stop youth centre of excellence that seeks to provide services such as life skills programs, psychosocial support, the full spectrum of sexual and reproductive health services (including comprehensive sexuality education), and skills and leadership development.
She has been awarded National Honours (Most Distinguished Order of Namibia), by Former President Pohamba, for her “outstanding contribution to the socio-economic development of Namibia.” She was also inducted into the Namibian Business Hall of Fame and has received other numerous awards, such as the Namibian Business Personality of the Year and Most Innovative Entrepreneur, and was voted one of the 12 most influential people in Namibia in 2012.
Ms. Aissata M.B. Camara, Deputy Commissioner for Operations and Strategic Partnerships, NYC Mayor’s Office for International Affairs
Ms. Aissata M.B. Camara is Deputy Commissioner for Operations and Strategic Partnerships in the Mayor’s Office for International Affairs. In this capacity she helps to identify opportunities for engagement between City agencies and the international community, including the United Nations, and develop and guide substantive partnerships. Prior to becoming Deputy Commissioner, Aissata served as the Strategic Relationships Manager and Program Director for NYC Junior Ambassadors.
Before joining the Mayor's Office, she co-founded There Is No Limit Foundation and worked as the organization's Vice President of Programs and Partnerships, developing and managing programs focused on empowering poor and ultra-poor people through entrepreneurship, education, water, sanitation, hygiene, and the eradication of gender-based violence. Aissata previously worked at The Rockefeller Foundation and Grameen America. She graduated from Bernard M. Baruch College (CUNY) with a B.A. in International Relations and Social Policy and went on to earn an MPA in International Public and Nonprofit Management and Policy at the New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. She is originally from the Republic of Guinea and grew up in Queens, New York. A proud New Yorker, Aissata currently resides in Manhattan and enjoys volunteering and discovering new sites across the City.
Ms. Vibeke Jensen, Director, Division for Peace and Sustainable Development, Education Sector, UNESCO Headquarters
Vibeke Jensen is the Director of the Division for Peace and Sustainable Development within the Education Sector at UNESCO Headquarters. The Division covers, amongst others, education for sustainable development, global citizenship education, prevention of violent extremism, sexuality and HIV education, school violence and bullying, school health, and the UNESCO Associated Schools network with 12,500 schools around the world.
She joined UNESCO in 1989 and has held various positions in the Organization, both at Headquarters and in the field. Since November 2014, she has been Director of the UNESCO Office in Islamabad and UNESCO Representative to Pakistan.
Her previous positions include Head of the UNESCO Office in Hanoi from 2007 to 2009, Director of the UNESCO Office in Dar-es-Salaam Salaam (Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, United Republic of Tanzania) from 2009 to 2013 and UNESCO Director and Head, Secretariat of the Secretary-General's Global Education First Initiative (GEFI), United Nations, New York from 2013 to 2014.
Ms. Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir, Senior Advisor on Women’s Leadership and co-lead of the Action Coalitions, UN Women, Chair of the Reykjavik Global Forum; Former Icelandic Minister of the Interior and former Mayor of Reykjavík.
Before joining UN Women in New York, Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir served full time as the Chair of the Executive Board of the Women Political Leaders (WPL). She is the Chair of the Reykjavík Global Forum that takes place in Iceland every year and gathers 500 women leaders from nearly 100 countries to discuss and share ideas and solutions on how to further advance society, increase equality between women and men and promote and positively develop the number of women in leadership positions. Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir was active in Icelandic politics for many years, both in the national Parliament and local government. She is the former Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Parliament and former Minister of the Interior in Iceland. Before getting elected to Parliament, she was the Mayor of Reykjavík, the President of the City Council and chaired several committees and organizations for the City of Reykjavík. She is also the former Vice Chair of the Independence Party in Iceland; the former deputy Secretary General of the party and the former Secretary General of its Parliamentary Group. She obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Iceland in 1991 and later a Master of Science in International and European Politics from the University of Edinburgh (1993).
Ms. Olajobi Makinwa, Chief, Intergovernmental Relations and Africa, Global Compact
Ms. Olajobi is currently the Chief of Intergovernmental Relations & Africa at the UN Global Compact. Prior to this role, she served as senior adviser in the Office of the President of the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. She has also held the position of Chief of Transparency & Anti-Corruption at the UN Global Compact, where she successfully led the development of numerous UN Global Compact projects on transparency and anti-corruption; most notably the Siemens Initiative Project on Collective Action in the fight against corruption.
Prior to joining the UN Global Compact, Olajobi was the Executive Director of Amnesty International South Africa. She has also served as Legal Officer with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Kenya, and with the UNEP Regional Office for Europe in Switzerland.
Olajobi has consulted for various UN Agencies as well as the Human Sciences Research Council in South Africa. She is also a member of the International Bar Association and the American Society of International Law.
Ms. Rachel Alwala – Coordination Officer, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU - Unlocking the potential of underrepresented groups with technology, tech access, and science.
Ms. Rachel Alwala is a Coordination Officer in the Telecommunication Development Bureau at the ITU headquarters in Geneva. Prior to this role she served as the Assistant Director/Communication and External Affairs at the Communications Authority of Kenya, the ICT regulator in Kenya. Ms. Alwala is an integrated communications, events and international relations practitioner. She has broad international exposure through training and work assignments in inter- governmental organizations at the regional and global levels. Her work engagements spanned advocacy of ICT public policy issues and trends, and manging stakeholder relations. Ms. Alwala also served as an Administrator at Childlife Trust, a children’s charity organization in Kenya.
Ms. Liz Agbor-Tabi Vice President of Global Policy - Global Citizen
Ms. Liz Agbor-Tabi is passionate about social impact, global health, international development, and philanthropy. She’s had a unique blend of experiences; spanning from working with vulnerable populations in NYC to developing and implementing cross-sectoral programs globally.
Liz has over 18 years of healthcare, public health / policy, international development, urban resilience, experience across the United States, Africa, Latin America and Asia. She’s adept at developing and implementing programs in resource-constrained environments and managing complex stakeholder relationships. She’s known for being a strategic thinker with tactical creativity and flair, and for approaching her work with empathy, humility, and cultural awareness.
Ms. Anusha Dandapani, Chief Data and Analytics International Computing Centre NYC,
Ms. Anusha Dandapani serves as the Chief Data & Analytics Officer at The United Nations International Computing Centre. In this role, she is responsible for creating and overseeing the growth of Data and Analytics Services for UNICC. Previously, Anusha was a Data Science lead at Barclays, where she led several strategic initiatives related to electronic surveillance and financial crime compliance. She was responsible for end-to-end management from requirements to working with the program management as well as collaborating with data scientists and machine learning teams for delivery.
At Barclays, Anusha earned a top 3 spot in the Global Diversity awards in 2013 and 2014 for her achievements related to leading STEM events in London, New York and Pune. Prior to Barclays, she has been with JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse etc. and has worked in many major financial centers such as London, Singapore, Bahamas & Luxembourg over the past 14 years. Anusha holds a Master's in Business Analytics from NYU Stern and Bachelor's degree in Information Technology from Madras University.
Ms. Lani Cossette, Senior Director and Chief of Staff, UN Affairs - Microsoft,
Ms. Lani Cossette is the Senior Director and Chief of Staff for Microsoft’s newly launched United Nations Affairs team in New York. The team covers a range of issues from environmental sustainability, skilling and education, to cybercrime and human rights. Previously, Lani led Microsoft’s engagement on internet jurisdiction and cross border issues in Brussels for Microsoft’s European Government Affairs team. In 2014-15, Lani was an inaugural fellow at the Data & Society Research Institute in New York. Lani has a B.S. in International Economics from the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University and a J.D. from George Washington University Law School.
Ms. Kim Blue Terrell, VP People Experience, Global Head of People Experience (HR Business Partners), Zoom
Ms. Kim Blue Terrell is a strategic and data-focused leader with over 15 years experience developing and executing Human Resources strategies for employee populations in Technology, Telecommunications and Entertainment. She is a former ESPN Wellness trainer-turned Sr. HR Business Partner who spent 12 years at the World-Wide Leader before being recruited to work for Microsoft’s Azure HR organization. HR Director. She helps leaders and employees operate at their highest potential. In a matter of months, she quickly became a key partner in the company’s geographical expansion efforts and played a critical role in crisis management during the COVID-19 Pandemic. She has created and executed organizational blueprints for top-flight organizations including ESPN and Microsoft.
In October 2020, she joined Zoom as the Global Head of People Experience Partners, where she leads the company’s worldwide team of HR business partners.
Kim also runs her own business called True Blue Consulting where she helps design career strategy approaches for individuals by gaining insight into understanding and identifying their personal brand through highlighting their values.
Ms. Indira Tsengiwe (South Africa) Founder BlueAvo
Ms. Indira Tsengiwe is the CO- Founder of Blue Avo, Africa’s Creative marketplace designed for Africa’s creatives to collaborate and create. She also founded the Youngpreneur media brand and production company purposed to create content for and about young entrepreneurs across the African continent and reach a potential audience of over 18 million. Indira Tsengiwe is also a TedX Speaker, World Economic Forum Global Shaper, a member of the Writer’s Guild Association of South Africa, and a columnist for Fin24. She is the facilitator of the Africa We Want and serves on the committee of CE Global Young Adults.
She served as a consultant representing South African entrepreneurs at the Kuala Lumpur Global Startup Youth and Global Entrepreneurship Summit of 2013 and contributed to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Report of South Africa for the year 2013. She is working her way up to creating a children education media/television station focused on STEAM, a first for a black female in Cape Town.
Dr. Camille Wardrop Alleyne, NASA, Founder of Brightest Stars Foundation
Dr. Alleyne is a rocket engineer, space scientist, internationally-acclaimed speaker, writer, educational leader and science ambassador. She is one of the most-recognized women in aerospace engineering and one of the few women of color to serve in a senior technical management position at NASA.
Dr. Alleyne has dedicated her 25-year career to advancing the areas of aerospace and space technology development, specifically in the fields of human space flight, space vehicle systems engineering, integration and testing and space (microgravity) research. Dr. Alleyne is also an expert in the areas of space, science and technology application in international development, specifically focused on developing countries.
She is renowned for her work on global STEM education for girls, which she does through The Brightest Stars Foundation founded in 2007. This is a non-governmental organization dedicated to educating, empowering and inspiring young women to be future leaders through the study of science, math and technology.
Ms. Anie Akpe, Founder African Women in Tech
Anie Akpe is a business professional and entrepreneur with more than 25 years of experience in the banking industry, particularly in real estate, mortgage finance, loss mitigation and mortgage servicing. As the vice president of mortgages operations, she currently manages a $950 million dollar portfolio. In addition to leading the mortgage operations at a Financial Institution, Akpe promotes diversity in business and advocates for entrepreneurship and tech innovation through her role on several boards of directors such as The New York Mortgage Coalition, an affordable housing program initiative based in New York City.
She is also the Founder of African Women In Tech (AWIT), an Africa-based organization helping girls and women with education and mentorship within technology, as well as UX Diaspora, a unique community of people of color in UX who are digitally migrating to educate, connect and inspire one another all over the world. In addition, Akpe has an MBA from Dowling College located in Long Island, NY.
Dr. Stephon Solomon Alexander, Theoretical Physicist and Professor of Physics at Brown University, Cosmologist, Musician, Author of Jazz of Physics
Dr. Stephon Solomon Alexander is a theoretical physicist specializing in cosmology, particle physics and quantum gravity (String Theory and Loop Quantum Gravity). He blends the worlds of theoretical physics and Jazz music. He received my BSc (1993) from Haverford College and PhD (2000) from Brown University. Alexander held postdoctoral research fellowships at Imperial College, London and The Stanford University Linear Accelerator Center and previous faculty positions at Penn State, Haverford College and Dartmouth.
Stephon Alexander also spends his time exploring interconnections between music, physics,mathematics and technology through recordings, performance, teaching and public lectures. He has performed and collaborated with Will Calhoun, Brian Eno, Marc Cary, Vernon Reid, Ronnie Burrage and Jaron Lanier on these intersections.
Mr. Gerald A. Moore, Founder, Mission Fulfilled 2030
Mr. Moore is a speaker and Amazon Best Selling Author of the book “Motivate Black Boys -- How to Prepare for Careers in STEM.” He is also the founder of the nonprofit organization Mission Fulfilled 2030. Mr. Moore is a graduate of Norfolk State University and has over 20 years of experience as a federal government contractor and an Information Technology and Cyber Security Engineer. He has also worked as an educator teaching high school and middle school students lessons in technology. Mr Moore is a powerful school STEM and Corporate D&I speaker. He leverages his story as a troubled youth to change the narrative of young Black males and utilizes his unique voice to discuss race in Corporate America.
Dr. Claire A. Nelson, Whitehouse Champion for Change, Forbes 50 Female Futurist, Sustainability Engineer, Storyteller, Founder of Institute of Caribbean Studies.
Dr. Claire A. Nelson is a Jamaican/American futurist, sustainability engineer, social engineer, and storyteller. She is the founder and president of the Institute of Caribbean Studies. Dr. Nelson has been included in the Forbes magazine list of the 50 most influential female futurists in 2020 and was also recognized as a White House champion for Change.
Her education consists of degrees in Industrial Engineering from the State University of New York at Buffalo, Purdue University, and a Doctorate in Engineering Management from George Washington University. Dr. Nelson has worked in the field of international development for over 25 years, specializing in project development and management, with a special focus on the private sector. Her extensive service on boards and committees includes:
The US Department of Commerce US/Caribbean Business Development Council Advisory Board;
Black Leadership Forum;
DC Caribbean Carnival Association;
International Think Tank Commission on Pan-African Affairs,
Office of the Prime Minister of Barbados;
African-American Unity Caucus;
National Democratic Institute/Carter Center Election Observer Mission to the Dominican Republic;
Black Professionals in International Affairs;
The International Committee of the National Society of Black Engineers-Alumni Extension.
Dr Nevada Winrow, Neuroscientist and Pediatric Neuropsychologist, Founder of Black Girls Dive Foundation
Dr. Winrow (Nevada) is a Johns Hopkins School of Medicine-trained Pediatric Neuropsychologist and has served as a clinical practitioner, and a Professor and administrator in higher education for over a decade in roles as Dean, Provost, and Senior Executive Vice President. She has served as a Board of Trustee of two HBCUs and served as a member of the Fulbright Scholars Review Board and the Board of Examiners for Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, our nation's highest honor that is bestowed by the President of the United States.
Dr. Winrow is the alumni of several institutions that include Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Howard University, and Lincoln University and completed fellowships in Neuroradiology, Psychoneuroimmunology, Cognitive Neuroscience and Neurochemistry. She is a member of Maryland Civil Air Patrol (CAP) and serves as a CAP aerospace educator. Dr. Winrow is a PADI Master Scuba Diver, an associate member of the Women's Diving Hall of Fame and the American Academy of Underwater Sciences. She currently serves as the National Chairwoman of the Youth programs for the National Association of Black Scuba Divers.
Ms. Amy Wang, Creative Director & Managing Partner, Openbox
Amy is a design thinker, educator, and storyteller always on the lookout to bring design where it isn’t. At Openbox she is focused on building a people-centered design practice and culture with a group of passionate individuals interested in equity as a designed outcome. Recent projects include creating an exhibit at the MLK Jr. Memorial Library in DC to host local stories and histories; bringing students and staff together in co-creation experiments at a public high school in Brooklyn, New York; and defining a roadmap for a New York developer to build the world's first underground park more equitably with neighborhood residents. Amy is also faculty in the graduate program at the School of Visual Arts, where she earned her MFA in Design. Amy holds a BA in Biology from Harvard University, and is fluent in Spanish and Mandarin. When she is not untangling systems, she ponders where her next dessert will come from, and always welcomes suggestions.
Ms. Elizabeth Leiba, Founder, Black History & Culture Academy, Social Justice Professional
Ms. Elizabeth Leiba is a social justice professional that has most recently been working as an instructional design manager, developing online classes for more than 1,000 students at a small career college in Fort Lauderdale, FL. She was recently featured in a New York Times article about her social justice advocacy work which spurred her to launch her Black History & Culture Academy. She has over 20+ virtual courses in African history and culture, African American history and culture, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. She is a college professor and was named a LinkedIn TOP VOICE in Education, and also co-hosts The EdUp Experience podcast. Leiba’s most recent writing includes an Op-Ed piece on racial profiling for CNN, that had more than 2 million views on their news website.
Ms. Susan Naumlindwa - Executive Director at Africa Trade Desk, VP Canada –Africa Chamber of Business, Founder CEO Maama Watali, SheEO Activator, Global Ambassador Ocean EXP
Ms. Susan Naumlindwa is an entrepreneur and management consultant in Environmental science, Industrial manufacturing, Green technologies, organic farming, and sustainable development. Susan has worked with several African Governments, Regional Governments, local Governors, and community leaders across Africa on Environmental, Social License, and Corporate Governance issues. She works with and advises several Governments on developing resources and agriculture in a sustainable manner. Susan is actively involved in community development issues and is passionate about women's and children's wellbeing, empowerment, and rights. She holds a BSC. in industrial chemistry and postgraduate certificates in Environmental Science and Renewable energy. She is looking forward to bringing her skills in finding common ground and creating meaningful partnerships with the Tribe team.
Ms. Tiphanie Doucet, French Artist, Musician, Actor
Tiphanie Doucet is a French artist based in New York. A starring role in the film Le bébé d’Elsa, and later in the Glee-like TV series "Chante", gave her popularity in her native France, and the unlikely foundations for what would be a very eclectic musical trajectory. After leaving France, Doucet decided to gamble it all and start fresh in America. On any given weekday, you can hear her voice echoing over the Hudson and East rivers. Equipped with only an acoustic guitar, a microphone and a tiny mixer, the French songstress delivers hushed and intimate performances for passengers aboard Spirit Cruises, set against the backdrop of an idyllic Manhattan skyline. Her emotionally disarming performances deceive in their simplicity, oftentimes consisting of nothing more than her voice and a guitar, occasionally accompanied by violinists. Yet, they nevertheless arrest audiences through their quiet, brooding intensity, holding a vulnerability that’s offset by a wintry, gallic allure. She uses music to tell stories unique to her own outlook and experiences.
Mr. Boddhi Satva, Pioneering African artist, founder of Offering Recordings & Father of Ancestral Soul
Boddhi Satva has been branded the father of Ancestral Soul. Hailing from the Central African Republic, Boddhi is a DJ/Producer that is not only changing the way people perceive dance music, but the way they experience it as well. He has been showcased on Coca Cola’s Coke Studio Africa and his music has been released by prominent independent record labels including Osunlade’s Yoruba Records, Bob Sinclair’s Yellow, and Dixon’s Innervisions.
Boddhi has been traveling to all four corners of the world. From open air festivals, to the most renowned underground venues, including residencies in Europe, North America, & Asia. Between hit releases with Nigerian pop star Davido on Naughty and UK’s Legendary soul man Omar Lyefook MBE on Benefit, Boddhi keeps expanding his repertoire with his wide global reach. With all this Boddhi manages to be a cultural ambassador of good music and a testament for the tenacity of the human spirit.
Day 2
Ms. Maggie Mutesi, Senior Business Correspondent at BBC, Founder of MANSA magazine.
Maggie Mutesi is an award-winning Broadcast journalist with BBC Africa where she presents the daily Africa business show “Money Daily” covering stories from across the continent. She has previously worked with CNBC Africa as a business anchor and producer, where she also emerged as the 2017 best Female journalist. She recently launched Mansa Magazine, which is committed to factual and balanced telling of distinctly African stories.
Mr. Simon (Javan) Okelo - Founder & Executive Director, One Vibe Africa
Simon Okelo is a media creator, DJ, musician, producer, logistician, and entrepreneur with roots in Kenya, who uses digital media and real-life events to promote and celebrate a fresh narrative about the African and African American experience both locally and globally.
Okelo grew up in the slums of Manyatta in Kisumu, Kenya, an area known for violence, drugs and diseases. He dreamed of peace for himself, and for all of his Kenyan brothers and sisters. His struggles encouraged him, even at a young age, to build opportunities for others and to create a place where people lived free from the fear of violence.
His work includes building schools and health clinics, creating music and art programs, and helping youth discover their creative potential and personal voice. A huge part of his mission and vision is to create a world where everyone supports and inspires one another. Okelo founded One Vibe Africa, a Seattle based nonprofit that supports Kenyan youth through art and music programs and also Madaraka Festival, a creative collaboration among Seattle artists in support of One Vibe Africa’s Music and Art Program.
Ms. Uju Uzo – Ojinnaka CEO, Traders of Africa
Uju Uzo-Ojinnaka is a result-oriented individual with over 17 years’ work-experience in Strategic Marketing, Retail Banking and Business Development. She is the Director, Finance, Marketing and Admin at the Beniz Group Limited. She is also the Founder and CEO of Traders of Africa (TOFA); a Pan African online marketplace for products grown, produced or manufactured in Africa ONLY and African Trade Invest (ATI), a Pan African Digital Trade and Investment platform for African trade
She obtained her first degree as the best graduating student in Sociology from the prestigious University of Lagos, Lagos in 1999. Uju holds a Global Executive MBA from the China Europe International Business school (CEIBS), She is the class president of CEIBS Zurich GEMBA 2016. She has a Professional Diploma in Marketing from the University of British Columbia and another Diploma in Creativity and Entrepreneurship from the Berkeley Institute for Creativity and Entrepreneurship.
Uju Pitched TOFA and won the 2019 Entrepreneurship World Cup (EWC) in Nigeria and represented Nigeria in the Global finals in Saudi Arabia in November 2019. She was also invited as a panelist at the United Nations General Assembly 2020 under the SDG Action Zone.
Ms. Kaori Fujii, International Flutist, Founder and CEO, Music Beyond, Inc.
Born in Tokyo and currently residing in New York, Kaori Fujii is one of the leading imaginative and creative flutists ever to come out of the classical Music world. She has performed, toured, and recorded with renowned artists and orchestras worldwide. Kaori has performed in concert halls such as John F. Kennedy Center, Carnegie Hall, Alte Oper Frankfurt, Liederhalle Stuttgart, Teresa Carreno Theater, Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall and Suntory Hall. She has released eight albums, one of which was shortlisted for a nomination at the Grammy Awards. She still holds the record for being the youngest prize-winner for the three biggest music competitions in Japan, which she won consecutively from 1996 to 1998. As an educator, Kaori has presented clinics and masterclasses for flutists around the world. A graduate of the Tokyo University of the Arts, and of the University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart. Kaori's strong classical training and professional experiences provide the right skill sets to develop and serve a community of passionate musicians around the world, such as the existing musicians in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Ms. Piera Van de Wiel Singer, Songwriter, Founder of Stronger with Music
Ms. Piera Van de Wiel is a British singer songwriter and actor passionate about social impact and storytelling. She is the founder of her company Stronger With Music that promotes the importance of music and mental health and music and social impact. She has worked and performed with NGOs globally, including the Barefoot College International, Applaud Our Kids Foundation, PureCOE, The Dais (Global Dialogues), Abaco Strong, The Aspire Artemis Foundation, and has sung at the United Nations Headquarters in New York for International Women’s Day sponsored by Aspire Artemis and the Mission of Djibouti. Van de Wiel has spoken and performed at other UN sponsored events around the world, including the Aspire Artemis Foundation Regional STEAM & Innovation Symposia in St Lucia with Microsoft, and for the Foundation of Global Governance and Sustainability for the International Day of Peace, International Coastal CleanUp day spearheaded by PurelyCOE as well as for UN Day. She has also performed at the Jazz at Lincoln Center where Spike Lee and Alec Baldwin were presenting. With her music, she hopes to benefit others; from her single release in 2019 “Come Back Home” which was written to aid humanitarian efforts in the Abacos Bahamas that was destroyed by Hurricane Dorian. This song has been recognized, and received a Silver Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Listener Impact at the Global Music Awards for independent artists. Her global music video campaign “Used” / End Domestic Violence has been supported by the United Nations Spotlight Initiative to raise awareness of the warning signs of domestic violence.
Mr. David Totten, Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft Partner Ecosystem
Mr. David Totten is an Energetic Relationship Builder focused on empowering people and enterprises to reach their true potential every single day.
He has 15+ years of sales, strategy and people leadership experience, consistently over-delivering on business metrics and results while also leading and serving individuals across multiple geographies.
David is best known for motivating others and gaining consensus through consistent, energetic, and goal-oriented relationships. He has years of experience building strategic sales programs, plans, and teams to delight customers and partners, and deliver shareholder value. Grounded in always driving clarity and measurable metrics for success, David leverages a direct and transparent style to land accountability with every interaction he engages in.
His career objective has always been focused on developing and building talented people to exceed their own and others' expectations. He is currently looking to expand his current scope of experience and accountability, learn new products and technologies, and accelerate an industry's growth and transformation. David is competitive and direct and wants to be a change agent in an aggressive environment where people truly are inspired by leading a transformation at scale.
He is inspired by the quote, "Today I will bring passion, energy and humility because I can be better today than I was yesterday. I am the possessor of a grateful spirit and we absolutely can be amazing today, together."
Dr. Stephon Solomon Alexander, Theoretical Physicist, Cosmologist, Musician, Author of Jazz of Physics
Dr. Stephon Solomon Alexander is a theoretical physicist specializing in cosmology, particle physics and quantum gravity (String Theory and Loop Quantum Gravity). He blends the worlds of theoretical physics and Jazz music. He received my BSc (1993) from Haverford College and PhD (2000) from Brown University. Alexander held postdoctoral research fellowships at Imperial College, London and The Stanford University Linear Accelerator Center and previous faculty positions at Penn State, Haverford College and Dartmouth.
Stephon Alexander also spends his time exploring interconnections between music, physics,mathematics and technology through recordings, performance, teaching and public lectures. He has performed and collaborated with Will Calhoun, Brian Eno, Marc Cary, Vernon Reid, Ronnie Burrage and Jaron Lanier on these intersections.
Ms. Camille May, Communications Manager, Global Citizen
Ms. Camille May is the Communications Manager at Global Citizen. She is a producer and passionate communicator with a history of working internationally in broadcast, the arts, and global non-profits.
Ms. Anjani Harjeven, Chief Operating Officer WomHub/WomEng (South Africa)
Ms. Anjani Harjeven is Chief Operating Officer at WomHub - a boutique incubator and co-working hub for female founders in STEM. Anjani's experience built over 20 years across Africa, Europe and Asia includes facilitation, advisory and delivery roles with a focus on enabling value creation and generation for individuals, teams and organisations. She is a Change Leadership expert who has spearheaded the running of commercial leadership, entrepreneurial and leadership development programs. WomHub along with its foundation WomEng, operating out of South Africa, has run programs across 22 countries with a particular focus on the uplifting of women from participation through to ownership within Engineering and STEM more broadly.
Anjani has also led advisory initiatives in the areas of scale and growth in business, skills and capability development, change management, talent management, and culture change and is particularly passionate about the development of female entrepreneurs on the African continent. Her industry experience includes Financial services, Professional Services, FMCG, Technology, e-Commerce and Manufacturing. She has worked with business professionals from shop floor to Executive level and has held positions leading change at various organisations. Anjani is energised by people development and the human potential journeys that are possible in rapidly changing environments both on the African continent and across the globe.
Ms. Grace E. Andrews, Technical Storyteller, Content Producer, Coach
Ms. Grace E. Andrews is a driven and enthusiastic technologist with a cross-cultural focus and experience managing, facilitating, and executing entrepreneurial training and processes. She possesses a strong background in social and behavioral sciences.She is also a seasoned public speaker and presenter with a keen eye for public relations, marketing, consulting and networking.
Mr. C. Brandon Ogbunu, Assistant Professor, Yale University. - Merging science, technology, biomedicine, data, innovation, culture and creativity.
Mr. C. Brandon Ogbunu is Assistant Professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. His research takes place at the intersection of evolutionary biology, genetics, and epidemiology. He uses experimental evolution, mathematical modeling, and computational biology to better understand the underlying causes and consequences of disease, across scales: from the biophysics of proteins involved in drug resistance to the social determinants driving epidemics at the population level. In doing so, he aims to develop theory that enriches our understanding of the evolutionary and ecological underpinnings of disease, while contributing to practical solutions for clinical medicine and public health. He completed his PhD at Yale University in 2010 and postdoctoral fellowships at Harvard University and the Broad Institute. He has been the recipient of the UNCF-Merck, the Broad Institute Diversity Fellowship and the Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship. He comes to Yale after two years on the faculty at Brown University. Brandon is also currently a visiting research scientist at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.
Mr. Martin Pratt, Marketing Strategist, Tech Investor, The importance of partnership for Digital Transformation, Digital Currencies and Supporting Black Founders.
Mr. Martin Pratt is a Marketing Strategist at Incluzion. In previous years, he was a publisher at PhillyYourBlackNews and a business mentor volunteer which involved assisting young, entrepreneurial people who have a concept or idea for a business enrolled in Bridges to Wealth 2019 Youth Biz Youth Biz Accelerator. He currently serves as a director of foreign engagement at Blackbird solutions/40A Inc.
Mr. Wesley Hamilton, Executive Director, Disabled But Not Really, Philanthropist, Speaker, Diversity and Inclusion Specialist
Mr. Wesley Hamilton is the founder of Soko, a social talent network aimed to turn today’s Black talent into tomorrow’s most influential leaders through connecting, collaborating and breaking into the business side of popular industries. He is a motivational speaker that started his own nonprofit organization, Disabled But Not Really, which provides equal access to the underserved disabled community through programs that focus on fitness, wellness, and mental health. In 2012, gunshot wounds left Hamilton with a spinal cord injury and he began a new life in a wheelchair and deeply depressed, but through fitness and nutrition, he found empowerment. His own experiences have led him to create DBNR to bring positivity and hope to the disabled community and beyond.
Mr. Ahmed Nimale - Product Manager - Ticketmaster Universe (Live Nation)
Mr. Ahmed Nimale is a Product Manager at Live Nation (Universe) Division. He shipped and created an iOS social media app, Griid, that allowed users to view, comment and stream live video. He has 7+ years of shipping great product experiences with amazing teams for exceptional clients, businesses and people. He has worked on products that have tackled problems such as: helping one of the largest insurers simplify the claims process, empowering loyalty program users to purchase live event tickets using their loyalty points, and allowing major journalists to live stream breaking news via their mobile devices
Ms. X. Eyee, Research at Google, AI enthusiast, Military Veteran
X. Eyee works with Fortune 500 companies to launch blockchain applications. She is also the Co-founder and CEO of Harvest, a blockchain inventory management tool and consumer rewards app for the cannabis industry. A self-taught developer, X is passionate about teaching technology in a way that is easy-to-understand.
Mr. Glenn Lundy, Founder and CEO of 800%Club
Glenn Lundy is a husband to 1, a father to 7, and the host of the wildly popular Facebook Live show #RiseAndGrind. He’s been seen on many stages across the United States. Glenn has been spotlighted on ABC, NBC, and CBS, and is an expert in dealership culture development, and leadership training. He has been featured on Forbes Women for his successful morning show which teaches companies across the nation about morning routines for success. His morning routine includes five steps, featuring ‘never hitting the snooze button,’ not looking at your phone first thing, writing down your gratitude and your goals, and sending a message of encouragement to someone else.
With 20 years of experience in the automotive industry, Glenn led a dealership from 120 cars a month to an 800% increase in sales in five years, becoming the 2nd largest used car franchise in the country. His unique style makes him one of the most coveted GM’s in the business. Glenn has the unique ability to help identify the areas for growth and teach creative ways to invoke your dealerships spirit. With a background in sales, and finance, he uses his skill sets to create growth, as well as tap into the mental side of human development.
Mr. Hollis Meminger, Hollywood film cinematographer, Founder of Bridgebuilder Cinematic Arts
Mr. Hollis Meminger is a renowned cinematographer with numerous film and television credits such as: The Blacklist (NBC), Narcos (Netflix) and Younger (TVLand). He is also a passionate documentarian, focusing on projects which feature the marginalized community. Meminger is also founder of Bridgebuilder Cinematic Arts. Bridgebuilder Cinematic Arts Program (BCAP) is a nonprofit founded in 2016 to introduce young women and men of color to careers in film and television.
With locations in New York City, Baltimore, and St. Louis, BCAP has managed to secure itself as a fully immersive summer program that teaches both hard and soft skills while providing a holistic approach to individual development. They believe in creating an environment of learning where young minds are able to explore creative ways to tell their own stories. This was an idea which came to fruition with the help of some of his trusted friends. They launched their first program at KIPPNYC in the Bronx and have been growing ever since. They are also at Ben Franklin High school in Brooklyn and Curtis Bay Baltimore.
Ms. Krista Vaisman, Director of Global Philanthropy at Global Citizen
Ms. Krista Vaisman is Director of Global Philanthropy at Global Citizen. She is a Front-line fundraiser with a track record of managing six-figure donors in the New York and Washington, DC regions. She is a strategic planner specializing in program development and has had experience supervising large and small teams.
Ms. Krista Vaisman is Director of Global Philanthropy at Global Citizen. She is a Front-line fundraiser with a track record of managing six-figure donors in the New York and Washington, DC regions. She is a strategic planner specializing in program development and has had experience supervising large and small teams.
Mr. Jason Wallace, AVP, Strategy & Business Development, ASCAP
Mr. Jason Wallace is a Strategy & Business Development professional with +15 years of experience, leveraging expertise obtained across Media and Entertainment, Technology, and Financial Services industries .He has a proven track-record of leading teams and collaborating cross-functionally. He has had extensive experience advising and communicating with C-level executives and corporate boards.
Ms. Amanda Johnstone, Technologist. TIME Next Gen Leader. CEO Magazine Exec of the Year
As the CEO of Transhuman, a Social Health Innovations, Inc. company, Ms. Amanda Johnstone is committed to working with the team to enhance both peer to peer and human to computer relationship through a series of technologies, including but not limited too; brain to computer interface, mobile, AI and IoT. She is a technologist, inventor and investor, primarily in emerging technologies. She is an investor and mentor in the Tech Ready Program, an Advisor to ESGtech as well as an investor in Shebah and The Flower Company. Amanda is a keynote speaker, panelist and technology advisor. She founded a mental health app Be A Looper, preventing suicides in over 87 countries.
Amanda was awarded as a 1 of 10 “Next Generation Leaders” under 35 globally by Time Magazine. She was the first Australian to receive the honour and is 1 of 100 in the history of the awards to be highlighted. She is also the 2020 Startup Winner of The CEO Magazine Executive of the Year Awards.
Amanda strongly believes that technology has a significant role to play in reducing the rising suicide rate, as well as increasing the wellbeing and health of the general population on a global scale. What underpins Amanda's drive is her belief that "accessible, practical and private technology for all" must be readily accessible and provide a practical solution to maintain meaningful daily social connections.
Mr. Brandon Andrews, Co- Founder and Chief Product Officer of Gauge, Global Innovation Fellow at US Department of State, Diversity and Inclusion for ABC's Shark Tank building inclusive ecosystems.
Brandon Andrews is a senior consultant at Values Partnerships. He leads a nationwide casting tour for ABC's Shark Tank. He writes about business, politics, and crowdfunding.
Brandon Andrews is also co-founder of Gauge; an AI-driven mobile market research platform connecting brands to consumers and influencers to identify opportunities and avoid mistakes.
As Senior Consultant at Values Partnerships he leads the company’s work on technology and entrepreneurship, including leading a nationwide casting tour focused on bringing more diverse ideas and voices to ABC’s, Shark Tank and building inclusive ecosystems. Named a Global Innovation Fellow by the U.S. Department of State, he has traveled the world speaking on entrepreneurship and innovation.
Committed to bringing resources to diverse entrepreneurs, he started The Investment event series to educate entrepreneurs and investors of color.
In addition to working with entrepreneurs Brandon has helped lead nationwide engagement campaigns including If Beale Street Could Talk (2018), Fences (2016), ROOTS (2016), and Concussion (2015).
In 2018, he managed the #TechtoWealth Tour with DJ Young Guru. Designed to get 10K people of color coding, #TechtoWealth brought tech events to WeWork locations in the final six OTRII Tour cities + BET Hip Hop Awards with $1M in coding scholarships available from Opportunity Hub and Flatiron School.
He worked with NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment to refresh their Erase The Hate campaign, including building the first accelerator for organizations fighting hate. In 2015, he worked with A+E Networks, iHeartMedia, and the United Way to develop the Shining A Light Concert for Progress on Race in America, Shining a Light Fund, and Conversations on Race in America documentary.
Previously, Brandon empowered public affairs, technology, and real estate clients at MWWPR. He spent 5 years in the U.S. Senate where he handled technology, small business, and defense policy.
He is Chairman of the DC Commission on National and Community Service. A former fashion model, he serves on the DC Commission on Fashion, Arts, and Events and works with fashion/beauty entrepreneurs.
He provides commentary on policy, politics, business and tech on TV, radio, and the web. A former Division-1 track athlete, Brandon is a graduate of Oral Roberts University.
Mr. Cavaughn J. Noel, Anthropologic Technologist, TED Alum, MBA, social entrepreneur
Cavaugn is a TED resident and Senior Digital Strategist who works with brands to implement relevant digital initiatives to create high return on investment via KPIs, including engagement, acquisition, and revenue/product growth; specializing in brand development, execution strategy, and storytelling.
Dr. Lola Adeyemi, COO and Co-Founder of Magna Carta Health, Founder of MentoringHer, Forbes Next1000 Honoree
Dr. Lola Adeyemi, MPH, MLA, is a physician by profession but an entrepreneur by design. As the chief operations officer and co-founder of Magna Carta Health, she is changing the game in preventative healthcare in Nigeria. In her role, she bridges healthcare gaps and increases access to healthcare with the aid of technology. Magna Carta Health currently serves over 20,000 patients a year and counting, and Dr. Adeyemi has been named a 2021 Forbes Next1000 Honoree for this work.
Dr. Adeyemi’s latest entrepreneurial pursuits include building, Clinic Goto: an app that helps doctors better serve communities by increasing access to care and launching a new virtual platform for girls and women, Mentoring Her . Mentoring Her is a social networking platform that uses machine learning to virtually connect female mentors with mentees to create relationships that significantly increase their lifetime potential.
In addition to her MPH from Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Adeyemi received her medical degree from Olabisi Onabanjo University in Nigeria and an MLA from Harvard University.
Mr. Hollis Meminger, Hollywood Cinematographer, Founder of Bridgebuilder Cinematic Arts
Hollis Meminger is a renowned cinematographer with numerous film and television credits such as: The Blacklist (NBC), Narcos (Netflix) and Younger (TVLand). He is also a passionate documentarian, focusing on projects which feature the marginalized community. He is also the founder of Bridgebuilder Cinematic Arts. Bridgebuilder Cinematic Arts Program (BCAP) is a nonprofit founded in 2016 to introduce young women and men of color to careers in film and television.
With locations in New York City, Baltimore, and St. Louis, BCAP has managed to secure itself as a fully immersive summer program that teaches both hard and soft skills while providing a holistic approach to individual development. They believe in creating an environment of learning where young minds are able to explore creative ways to tell their own stories. This was an idea which came to fruition with the help of some of his trusted friends. They launched their first program at KIPPNYC in the Bronx and have been growing ever since. They are also at Ben Franklin High school in Brooklyn as well as Curtis Bay Baltimore.
Mr. Martel Metellus, Founder & CEO at Soko
Mr. Martel Metellus is the founder of Soko, a discovery network for the Black community to connect, collaborate and find new opportunities. Founded in September 2019, Soko began as a freelance marketplace for Black skillworkers. Metellus developed Soko because he wanted to hire Black people for his various entrepreneurial ventures, including several fitness endeavors. He possesses a great combination of humility, ambition and intellect, which is on full display via his blog — Mind of Martel — in which he opines on topics like the definition of a blockchain. He also founded a startup idea called UpFit where it would certify students to become trainers and connect them to students on campus who were looking for trainers. Additionally, he founded his own fitness training company where he trained investors, engineers, entrepreneurs, and VPs of Fortune 500 companies all while he was in college. Martell believes strongly in women’s empowerment and serves as an ally to women of color.
Ms. Xian Horn, Disability Activist
Xian has spoken at Apple, Viacom, AppNexus, New York Life, Met Life, for the New York Public Library, Barnard College, Williams College, the ReelAbilities film festival (where she serves on the Film Selection Committee). In 2018, Xian was invited to join Cooper Hewitt's Accessibility Advisory Committee and AT&T's Accessibility Advisory Panel. She also judged innovations at NYU Hack since 2016. She has served on the NY Women's Foundation Committee for the Future and mentored at the White House for Lights! Camera! Access! 2.0., the US Business Leadership Network's Innovation Lab (now Disability:In), coaching their Rising Leaders. Xian has also run vocational workshops for the NYC Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities for Disability Mentoring Day. She served the State Department's International Visitors Leadership Program's European delegation, and has been on the State Department's Speaker's Bureau since 2016. Xian has been featured in The White House Blog's Women Working To Do Good series, NPR, Forbes, Fortune, Fast Company, Bloomberg News, NBC News, Fox 5 and more. Finally, she is a blogger for Positively Positive - a community of over 2.5 million readers and a contributor at Forbes.
Ms. Future Cain, NYTimes Featured Equity Warrior, CEO and Founder of the Future of SEL
Ms. Future Cain is the CEO and Founder of The Future of SEL. As an equitable social and emotional learning expert and speaker, she works with individuals, institutions, and organizations to enhance the education, health, and well-being of others so that their organizations are socially aware and socially responsible.
Currently Future serves as the Statewide Project Coordinator for Social and Emotional Learning and Mental Health in the state of Wisconsin. With over two decades of background in education and leadership, her career expands across several industries including the private behavioral sector, early childhood education, public education, higher education, and business. She is also a certified yoga instructor who is passionate about the mental health and well-being of children and adults. In addition to her state work and running her own business, she is also a Rotarian.
She has received numerous awards and recognition for her social impact work which include being named Rotarian of the Year and in 2018 receiving Rotary Presidents Cup. She currently serves as an executive board member for Rotary’s World Affairs Seminar.
Future was recently featured in the New York Times for her activist work for equity and justice in America. Her most recent writing includes a piece published on K-12 Talk where she spoke about the impact that the pandemic is having on students. She holds Bachelor Degrees in Psychology and Speech Communications, a Master’s in Special Education, and licensures in Administration ,Curriculum development and Instruction. Future believes strongly that one must be self aware to empower or be an ally to others.
Mr. James C. Rhee, Impact Investor, Educator, MIT Sloan Lecturer and CEO Action for Racial Equity Board Member.
As impact investor, CEO, and educator, James Rhee empowers people, brands, and organizations to fulfill their true potential by marrying capital with purpose and truth across multiple systems. He is an award-winning entrepreneur and thought leader on such topics as multi-dimensional transformation, the intersection of capital and race/gender, and values-based investing and leadership. James has achieved success within multiple industries and communities, and he leverages these connections and learnings to identify and accelerate opportunities for systems change by forging unusual alliances amongst seemingly disparate ideas and peoples. The story of the whys and the hows of the remarkable transformation of Ashley Stewart under his leadership as Chairman and CEO (2013-2020) has served as proof to millions of people, as well as the world’s leading businesses and organizations, that one can do better by being better.
James has dedicated his life to making knowledge, opportunity and capital accessible to all. He is currently shaping the arc of leadership through his role as Senior Lecturer at both MIT Sloan School of Management and Duke Law School, as well as his roles as council member of JP Morgan Chase Advancing Black Pathways, member of the Governing Committee of the CEO Action for Racial Equity and board director of Conscious Capitalism. His lectures on Money, Life, and Joy marry capitalism with ethics and neuropsychology and offer listeners a blueprint on how to drive dramatic transformation through the delicate interplay of soul and brand, servant leadership, diversity, and people-centered technology. He is a client of United Talent Agencies and is working on a book while exploring the future intersection of wealth and education through a venture called Red Helicopter.
His inspirational story has been featured in media outlets such as the Good Business Issue of Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Harvard Business Review, Boston Globe, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, CNN, Thrive Global, USA Today, Inc. Magazine, Forbes, Women’s Wear Daily, Morgan Stanley’s Access and Opportunity Podcast, ABC News, and the Huffington Post. He has provided the keynote lecture and has lead symposiums at the world’s leading companies and gatherings.
James is a regional winner of the E&Y Entrepreneur of the Year Award, the winner of one of five 2016 Power Player Awards granted by the National Retail Federation, and the recipient of the 2017 Black Retail Action Group Business Achievement Award, the 2018 Temple Fox School of Business Information Technology Innovator Award, the 2018 Essex County Urban League Centennial William M. Ashby Award for community building and a 2019 One To World Fulbright Award. He is a former member of the board of the National Retail Federation, where he served as Chairman of the Innovation Advisory Committee.
James has managed billions of dollars of capital at elite institutions in Boston (growth and distressed orientation), and his investment platform, FirePine Group (founded in 2009), has stewarded the capital of some of the world’s most sophisticated investors. He has played a lead role in “home run” investments such as The Meow Mix Company (IP purchase and start-up), Mattress Firm (growth equity) and Ultra Diamonds (bank debt conversion into equity).