Global STE(A)M and Innovation Symposia: Mapping an Inclusive STEM Future
How the Inclusion of girls and women in STE(A)M fields leads to greater innovation and more breakthroughs.
The lack of visible female representation in technical fields such as science, technology, engineering and math make it difficult for girls and young women to envision themselves pursuing roles that will shape future technologies, The Aspire Artemis Foundation believes that the inclusion of Arts and Culture in STEM education and programming not only spurs innovation but increases opportunities for women to pursue typical STEM careers. Our Global Innovation and Digital Transformation symposia take on a regional method in order to have a more catered approach to our global programming.
The Aspire Artemis Foundation employs a unique approach we call EMI “Emmie” (Education, Mentorship, Internship). We believe that supplementary education, coupled with organized in person mentorship and internship experiences, helps and supports young women as they shape their own paths for a STE(A)M-centered future. The Foundation implements this approach through a variety of avenues, these symposia being one of them. Each symposium will feature a few days of events that inspire and drive innovation and creativity within a broad community, including youth representatives from across the target region, specialists in the STEAM areas, and thought leaders. Participants in our events have opportunities to network, share best practices, form partnerships and collaborate on future projects.
The Journey to digitally transforming regions, one country at a time.
The Aspire Artemis Foundation recognizes that the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and math, when combined with the arts (forming STEAM) play a crucial role in the eradication of poverty and the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals. We seek to increase opportunities for innovation and creativity, job creation, idea generation, information sharing and foster greater skill development.Technology has stimulated developments that have rapidly altered both rural and urban employment landscapes and economic sectors, including water resource management, sanitation, and agriculture, through enhancements to knowledge working, data analytics, and artificial intelligence.
There is no denying that technology has a ubiquitous presence. Studies have demonstrated that the interdisciplinary model of a STEAM approach fosters innovative thinking, leaving students better prepared to understand and apply science and technology concepts. STEAM has been described as an integrated model that compels students to actively think about and tackle real world problems through finding creative solutions. The Aspire Artemis Foundation believes that when young women and girls have role models, they can become excited about a field in which they may not have otherwise considered.
In the new global economy, information is quickly becoming the most valuable currency. This new global economy is characterized by unprecedented interconnectedness, exponentially advancing technology, and massive amounts of information. This environment demands a new set of skills; critical thinking and an ability to analyze information and integrate knowledge from a wide range of sources. Communities, and countries, that harness these skills stand to benefit in ways previously unimaginable.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” — Nelson Mandela
Happy to have concluded a successful cultural festival and STEAM event in the Central African Republic. Here is a glimpse into one of the inspiring panels put on by our partners at Microsoft together with our AAF STEAMbassadors. Many important themes are discussed in the video such as:
How to use technology to better the environment.
How diversity and inclusion drives innovation in tech.
What farming and landscaping have to do with technology.
The power and influence of youth in technology.
How generative AI helped illiterate farmers in India create and submit forms in their own native language and vernacular.
TORTOLA APRIL 21-23, 2022
Our symposium in Tortola was held in hybrid format to embrace the use of technology and take advantage of interpersonal relationships and connections that are formed through in person holistic educational events. It took place the weekend of April 21-23 to Co-Celebrate Earth Day and International Girls in ICT Day.
Aspire Artemis Foundation has selected a hybrid platform that is cutting edge and immersive. It allowed our hybrid audience to interact with, and ask questions of directly with the in person attendees and speakers of the event. There were competitions, photo booths and much more which allowed participants to be fully engaged for the entirety of the event.
SPEAKERS: Watch this video to get acquainted and comfortable with the event platform. Speaker Tutorial
ATTENDEES: To get acquainted and comfortable with the platform beforehand, please watch the following training video: Attendee Tutorial
Tortola symposium’s concept is simple; a few days of events that inspire and drive innovation and creativity with a broad community, including youth representatives from across the region, specialists in the STEAM areas and thought leaders.
Through our continued engagements, we continue to highlight the successful collaboration between government, the private sector, civil society, and other regional organizations. Participants in our events hail from North and South America, Europe, the Caribbean, Asia, Middle East and Africa.
Although we continue to emphasize empowerment, particularly women’s empowerment, the active participation of men and women from civil society and the private sector as well as University Professors, local and international NGOs, stand as testament to the foundation’s ability to bridge divides of gender, age and nationality.
The 2022 symposium programme in Tortola followed a similar model and centred on structured and varied activities that spur awareness and understanding of STEAM concepts and principles. The types of activities included:
Motivational and inspirational keynote speeches from leaders in the STEAM fields during plenary sessions.
Presentations by participants from regional secondary and community College schools on STEAM projects they have concluded in the months prior to the symposium. It is planned that a period of outreach to schools in several regional nations will result in identification of participants through “competitions” or other activities in order to identify suitable candidates to attend the event.
Instructional programmes in the STEAM areas at differing skill levels to introduce the youth participants to a variety of topics.
Interactive sessions, such as hackathons or other, similar projects to allow for hands-on experiences in the STEAM topics.
Career exposition with regional and international companies that showcase career directions after STEM-field education.
Art and Science exhibition and reception.
Symposium participants are drawn from a broad range of local, regional and international communities. These include:
AAF STEAMbassadors: Each event, such as the symposium, features leaders that represent each of the STEAM fields; i.e. one each for science, technology, engineering, arts/culture and mathematics. These “ambassadors”, in addition to guiding the activities associated with their field; work together to create a symposium programme that integrates all of the fields in a way that increases interest among the participants.
Representatives of regional schools selected through local programmes. It is envisioned that the foundation and the STEAMbassadors, working with education ministries and secondary schools from countries in the region, created programs in the STEAM fields in preparation for the symposium. Each school was invited to send a delegation to the symposium of several students. Each school selected its delegates based on criteria that includes the development of a competitive project that showcases some aspect of STEAM. The projects demonstrated how development of STEAM initiatives will either support the UN Sustainable Development Goals or economic development in the region.
STEAM programmes based on the United States. Participants in the symposium came from initiatives outside the region add both context and diversity to the programme. For that reason delegations and schools from organizations in the United States were invited. Participants were also requested to prepare presentations of the their activities to share with the other symposium delegations.
The symposium was also open to Students from regional University locations, particularly for those involved in, or interested in careers in, the STEM fields.
Other invited guests included public and private sector representatives, mainly but not exclusively, from the region.
Half-day coding challenge.
Leading up to the symposium, a day devoted to women scientists in the British Virgin Islands. The goal is to highlight the work of women scientists (researchers, physicians, engineers, etc...). This panel will discuss the challenges and opportunities faced by them in STEM areas.
Science Expo/caravan for groups of primary school children.
The specific programme elements were developed in consultation with the STEAMbassadors, and although some focus on specific topics (i.e. biology or coding), the programme emphasized the integrated nature the STEAM curriculum. The programme also included such important cross-cutting elements such as the UN SDGs and economic development in the region.
While the symposium may not be able to embrace all of the STEAM elements in-depth, the main goal was to introduce as many young people, particularly girls and young women, to opportunities that the STEAM fields can offer. We hope that they will continue to have fun while engaging with their peers and learning from mentors.
Expected Outcomes:
Opportunity to create digital communities
Development of high impact activities that promote STEAM skills and aspirations in students.
A greater percentage of teachers and representatives who have expert knowledge of STEM subjects, who engage in career-long discipline learning, and who inspire a passion for STE(A)M in their students.
Partnerships between schools and industry were emphasized to improve career awareness and understanding of the opportunities afforded by STE(A)M skills and knowledge.
H. Lavity Stoutt Community College, Paraquita Bay, British Virgin Islands
“The H. Lavity Stoutt Community College provides high quality education & lifelong learning that is responsive to changing community needs, the global economy and evolving technology. The College offerings promote individual growth, economic, social, and cultural development. They offer a wide selection of courses that will ensure a successful transition into the workforce and prepare graduates for careers in the British Virgin Islands and beyond.”
Paraquita Bay Campus
Paraquita Bay, Tortola, British Virgin Islands, VG1110
Phone: 284-852-7000
Phone: 284-541-3052
Fax: 284-494-4996
You can get to Tortola in the British Virgin Islands in two ways. The first is to fly directly to Beef Island Airport on Tortola (airport code:EIS). The second is to fly to Cyril E. King airport in St Thomas in the US Virgin Islands (airport code: STT) and then take the ferry to Tortola, BVI.
You can find further information here:
“Feel right at home with a hospitable BVI welcome at hotels throughout the islands. With a conveniently located home base, you’ll be ready to take off on an island-hopping adventure. Alternatively, you could Turn vacations into immersive experiences at resorts in the BVI. You can count on a stay that comes with amenities and activities designed to inspire, intrigue and cater to your every whim. There are other accommodation options as well. The villas & condos spread across the British Virgin Islands feature lush tropical garden settings, beachfront estates & much more.”
For more information on booking your accomodation, please visit:
Please contact us to enquire about the booking link for discounted hotel options for the symposia.
For the British Virgin Islands: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, rabies, meningitis, polio, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis), chickenpox, shingles, pneumonia and influenza.
COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for travel to all regions, both foreign and domestic. Check with your local Passport Health clinic if immunization is offered in your area. Check the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention websites for further details.
ST. LUCIA FEBRUARY 10-12, 2020
Working with partners such as Microsoft, the United Nations, The St. Lucia Ministry of Education, Innovation, Gender Relations and Sustainable Development, the Office of the Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, other local Ministries, CARICOM and others, the symposium in Saint Lucia convened from February 10-12th, 2020, and was an excellent opportunity to showcase your business to an active clientele, offer an opportunity to promote your corporate social responsibility, as well as to expose students interested in STEAM fields to the possibility of careers in those fields.
In addition to exposing young people from the region to opportunities in the STEM fields, the symposium provided an opportunity for policy-makers, business leaders and other stakeholders to consider ways in which all parties could work in partnership to create practical local opportunities for young people in the new technology-infused environment, generate support for technology development at all levels, and prioritize investment in STEAM to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Youth had the opportunity to share lessons learned from other youth leaders across the globe.
Aside from the carefully selected guests, the foundation left open a number of slots for more broader participation. Registration officially opened on February 5 and was available via eventbrite.
On 11 February, the global international community, including a host of partners championing increased science awareness for women and girls marked the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, celebrating the theme, 'Investment in Women and Girls in Science for Inclusive Green Growth.'
Learn more about the day here:
The Aspire Artemis Foundation has specifically designed a program highlighting women in science during our entire symposium in Saint Lucia.
Bay Gardens Hotels, Rodney Bay, Saint Lucia
Our staff and ushers will escort you to your designated conference room as per your speaking assignment.
The event kicked off on February 10th, 2020 in the Bougainvillea Conference Room at the Bay Gardens Hotels.
The Breakout sessions were held in the Ixora Conference Room, the Lantana Conference Room and the Creole Pot Conference Room.
Things to Do in Rodney Bay Saint Lucia
Saint Lucia has two airports. The International airport is called Hewanorra International Airport. It is located in the South of the Island in the town of Vieux Fort and services all international flights. That airport code is UVF. There is a local airport in the city center called George F. L Charles airport. Please visit for more details about planning your trip.
“Saint Lucia’s resorts and hotels are world-renowned for their lush ambiance and exceptional service. From candy-colored plantation cottages and high-end hotels with three-walled bedrooms to authentic local guest houses, Saint Lucia offers a full range of accommodations to suit any taste, desire or budget.” For more information on booking your accomodation, please visit:
Please contact us to enquire about the booking link for discounted hotel options for the symposia.
Medical Requirements
In addition to ensuring that your routine vaccines are up to date, it is recommended to vaccinate against Hepatitis A and Typhoid before traveling to Saint Lucia. The CDC and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for St. Lucia: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, yellow fever, rabies, meningitis, polio, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis), chickenpox, shingles, pneumonia and influenza. Check the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for further details.
The Republic of Djibouti
As part of its capacity-building strategy in favor of youth in STEAM, the Government of Djibouti, through its mission to the United Nations, and the Aspire Artemis Foundation, in collaboration with Microsoft, UNDP, UNICEF, the Center for Technology and Innovation for Development (CTID) is proud to present a regional STEAM and innovation symposium in the Horn of African nation of Djibouti.
The Horn of Africa brings together African countries, such as Djibouti, and Ethiopia, that have some of the highest growth rates in the hemisphere. Moreover, since science and technology are considered as the engines of growth in Africa, it is therefore appropriate to hold this symposium in order to consolidate this growth and make it more inclusive, particularly for youth, women, rural people and people with disabilities. In Djibouti, a number of youth capacity building programs were conducted. Among them we can mention the CODE4YOUTH program in partnership with UNICEF, which aims to train 250 adolescents and young people from high school to code during school holidays. Another program focused on professionals is DJIBOUTI TALENTS, which aims to train 1000 coders by 2025 in partnership with GEBEYA, an Ethiopian startup. In addition, a partnership agreement was signed with IcogLab-ACC, the Ethiopian startup that created the SOPHIA robot program, and the CTID to organize a robotics competition in Djibouti by the end of 2019.
The 2020 event addresses several questions, namely:
(1) What practical aspects of changing perceptions allows for exploring talent fully and providing sustainable and rewarding career paths for young girls in the area of STEAM?
(2) How do we fill the gap between where the policy makers are and what private enterprise is doing?
The Airport in Djibouti is called Djibouti Ambouli International Airport and the airport code is JIB. It is located approximately 3.5 miles/ 6 kilometers from the center of Djibouti City. Ethiopian Airlines, Turkish Airlines and Kenya Airways are the biggest carriers for this airport. It is also possible to take a train to Djibouti from the Ethiopian cities of Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa. All foreign visitors need a visa to enter the country, although some nationalities (including U.S.) can purchase a visa on arrival. Check this website or consult your nearest embassy for further information.
Djibouti has a range of acommodation options to suit different budgets. Please contact us to enquire about the discounted options for the symposia.
Learn about your destination:
Medical Requirements
In addition to ensuring that your routine vaccines are up to date, it is recommended to vaccinate against Hepatitis A and Typhoid before traveling to Djibouti. Anti-malaria medication is also required, while those traveling from a yellow fever country will need to provide proof of vaccination before being allowed into the country. The CDC and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for Djibouti: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, yellow fever, rabies, meningitis, polio, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis), chickenpox, shingles, pneumonia and influenza. Check the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for further details.
For further inquiries about these symposia and for a copy of the sponsor deck, agenda, concept notes and other documentation, please send us an email at