Youth leaders are fired up, eager to innovate, and are becoming more empowered drivers of change!! -- By Alberta Richelieu
Hi everyone, it’s Alberta again. As part of a 5 part interview series in which I interviewed young women from differing socio-economic backgrounds regarding what is needed to support youth in the Caribbean, I am more inspired than ever. After interviewing and speaking to these five young women, they all spoke commonly about the need for role models, mentorship programmes, training summits and greater access to education. These factors are all necessary in order to build confidence in one’s abilities to succeed in the international arena, promote social change, expand entrepreneurship opportunities and allow for a greater role to be played by men and boys in female empowerment. It is essential that governments, international organizations, civil society, the private sector and all relevant stakeholders work together towards fostering the change that has already began taking place amongst youth in vulnerable regions across the globe. Youth today have big goals and dreams and are eager to drive social change.